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To donate by check, payable to Chilmark Town Affairs Council, mail to
Chilmark Town Affairs Council
PO Box 29
Chilmark, MA 02535
TAX ID 22-3283667


Chilmark Town Affairs Council conducts an annual appeal since our fees, particularly for Island residents, do not cover our costs. This year’s end-of-year campaign is a vital part of ensuring the Chilmark Community Center continues to thrive as a hub of community, creativity, and connection. With your support, we are focusing on three key areas of growth and development for 2025:

  • Sailing

  • Playschool's new Little Sprouts program

  • Enhanced arts programming.

The Chilmark Town Affairs Council, Inc. is a 501(c)(3). Under IRS regulations, all contributions to the Chilmark Town Affairs Council, Inc. are fully tax deductible. EIN 22-3283667

The Chilmark Town Affairs Council (CTAC) built the Community Center, including the tennis courts, the tennis and art shacks, and other recreational facilities. It acquires the equipment required for the summer activities of the CCC, including sailboats and all operational supplies. CTAC coordinates with the Town of Chilmark of improvements to the Community Center building for the mutual benefit of year-round and summer residents.

Thank you for your generous support!